Key features/benefits
General Information
The DRF 80FP is pressure relief valve combines a unique design and simplicity into a fire protection systems. This hydraulic valve is diaphragm operated, pilot controlled and regardless of flow demand it maintains a constant pressure of the fire-extinguishing network.
The valve maintains the system running at a stable, required pressure with opening and relieving excess of flow and pressure to the atmosphere when the system pressure rises above preset level.
The DRF 80 FP features “no-spring” diaphragm and controlled by a 2-way, spring-loaded pilot valve to ensure maximum accuracy of the line pressure and fast reaction.
The RAF 80FP is normally installed on-line in a Tee configuration, after the fire pump and before the system’s check valve. As line pressure exceeds the set point, It shall relief excess flow and pressure to the sump maintaining the desired system’s preset pressure.
The Raf 80 FP maintains fully open, relieving 100% of the pump’s flow capacity when demand of the fire system drops to a minimum level. then the check valve closes, isolating the lines from the pump. The pump shuts off safely, avoiding the risk of a surge. Then the relief valve comes to closing position slowly.
Technical Properties