Who we are

A data-driven B2B multi-vendor marketplace serving the flow control industry worldwide for the promotion and sourcing of flow control products.

Global Flow Control is a data-driven multi-vendor, subscription-based marketplace, serving exclusively the worldwide flow control industry. It promotes both companies and their products (valves, actuators, positioners, pumps, pipes, fittings, instrumentation, flowmeters, etc) 

The concept of Global Flow Control was born out of 20+ years of experience, serving the flow control industry in print media and event management. It was time to provide both manufacturers and buyers with a 24/7 platform, where products can be showcased and sourced easily.

The platform provides the community with a host of features, a marketplace,  industry-relevant developments, events, buyer assistance portals, dashboards, advanced analytics, global tenders, projects, and global contracts awards, as well as daily global project news

It is our mission to provide manufacturers and procurement professionals with a sustainable and cost-effective platform where products can showcased and sourced. 


    What we do

  • CONNECT manufacturers with procurement professionals globally without having to travel to the market.
  • COST-EFFECTIVE VIRTUAL  24/7  PLATFORM for showcasing companies capabilities, promoting, buying and  selling of flow control products.
  • UNIQUE QUALIFIED SALES LEADS,  that meets company’s capabilities  and criteria necessary to be considered more likely to become a client
  • GLOBAL BRANDING, to ensure that companies, their brands, products and services are known and recognized globally.  
  • BUYERS PORTAL to assist purchasing and engineering professionals in sourcing  flow control products.
  • ADVANCED ANALYTICS  based on our extensive  data,  companies get  access to analytics  that can help them to be more competitive and  improve their  sales and services
  • GLOBAL PROJECTS , TENDERS and CONTRACT AWARDS daily updates,  specific  to the flow control industry 
  • INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT NEWS,  market reports, technical papers, case studies, white papers etc,  specific to the flow control industry.

    How we do it

  • Our ability to build close relationships with our partners sets us apart from our competitors.
  • Understanding our partners needs, adapting to their challenges, and provide them with affordable, effective solutions for selling and buying products.
  • Provide a simple and straightforward way to conduct business with us.
  • Investing in our people and products, and continual innovation and improving our processes, is a priority for us.
  • Trust, integrity, and passion are at the core of what we do.
  • We strive to honor God by serving and respecting everyone with whom we work with.

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