The metropolis of Lyon is investing 80 million euros in a methanizer at the Pierre-Bénite wastewater treatment plant (Rhône). It will provide 77 GWh of biomethane by 2029.
The metropolis of Lyon will launch the first calls for tenders during this quarter for the construction of a methanization unit at the Pierre-Bénite wastewater treatment plant (Rhône) to the south of the city. The estimated budget is approaching 80 million euros. Commissioning is hoped for at the end of 2028-beginning of 2029.
While it had mentioned a 48 GWh project last year, the local authority finally decided to couple this project with that of Saint-Fons, on the other bank of the Rhône, bringing the annual production of biogas from sludge at 77 GWh. “ This will make it possible to power 300 urban buses or garbage trucks running on biogas, or even the heating of 12,800 homes ,” summarizes Anne Grosperrin, vice-president (ecologist) water and sanitation of Greater Lyon.
Thanks to this methanization unit, the sludge, now incinerated, will be recovered, avoiding the annual release of more than 20,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.