Vesuvius India has announced plans to double its investment in the country to Rs 1,000 crore in the upcoming years, up from its initial plan of Rs 500 crore. The Kolkata-based company, a subsidiary of the UK’s Vesuvius Group, has inaugurated a new mould flux manufacturing plant in Vishakapatnam. Situated in Edhulapaka Bhonangi village, the facility aims to meet the rising demand for flux, a crucial component in the steel sector’s continuous casting process.
Over the past two years, Vesuvius has been focusing on expanding capacity at its existing plants in India and establishing three new greenfield manufacturing units. These initiatives will add an additional capacity of 2,50,000 tonnes per year. The newly inaugurated plant is the first of these three new facilities set to become operational in 2024.
With India being a key market for Vesuvius Group, bolstering its manufacturing capabilities will not only enhance its competitive edge but also contribute to the socio-economic growth of the regions it operates in. The state-of-the-art plant signifies a stride towards sustainable growth and consolidates its leading market position.