State-owned Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) on Tuesday said it has bagged an order from power giant NTPC to set up a 1,600 MW Singrauli thermal power project (Stage-II). The size of the order is more than Rs 9,500 crore, excluding GST (goods and services tax), BHEL said in a regulatory filing.
“BHEL has received an order from NTPC for setting up the Singrauli Super Thermal Power Project, Stage-III (2×800 MW) in Sonebhadra District, Uttar Pradesh,” it stated. The engineering firm expects to complete Unit 1 in 50 months and Unit 2 in 54
The BSE on Monday sought clarification on news about BHEL bagging this order as it was the sole bidder. The company later in a clarification to BSE explained that it had submitted a price bid on December 21, 2023, and is the only bidder, for the mentioned NTPC tender, which is an activity in the normal course of business.