Aloke Steels is embarking on an ambitious expansion of its existing 120,000 TPA (tons per annum) Sponge Iron facility located in Budhakhap village, Ramgarh district, Jharkhand. The expansion plan includes the installation of a Steel Melting Shop (SMS) to produce 108,000 TPA of billets, which will serve as raw material for further production processes. Additionally, a new Rolling Mill will be set up to produce 90,000 TPA of TMT bars, catering to the growing demand for construction-grade steel.
As part of this comprehensive expansion, Aloke Steels will also establish an Iron Ore Crushing & Beneficiation Plant with a capacity of 270,000 TPA to enhance raw material processing efficiency. A Slag Crushing Plant (16,200 TPA) will be added to handle by-products, further optimizing resource utilization.
The project will include a 40,100 TPA Briquette Unit to manage waste from the production process and convert it into valuable material for reuse. To support the facility’s energy needs, Aloke Steels will set up a Captive Power Plant (CPP) with a capacity of 18 MW, ensuring a reliable and sustainable energy supply.
This expansion aligns with the company’s goal of increasing production capacity while maintaining sustainable practices in steel manufacturing. The strategic location in Ramgarh district, Jharkhand, provides access to key raw materials and infrastructure, positioning the company to serve the growing market demand for steel products in India.
Location: Ramgarh District, Jharkhand.